The Antidote to Sadness

Anya Logan
Mar 23, 2023


Photo by William Farlow on Unsplash

There’s one thing that is bound to work
To chase away those shadows that lurk

A way to let go of the plague that is pain
A way to start fresh and try again

There’s one way that we can be free
So your mind can flow calmly as the sea

An antidote to the sadness and darkness
A loving shield that never allows anything to hurt us

Light in the dark
The mending of our hearts

Knitting together the wound that doesn’t seem to heal
Floating in a love that is truly real

Not only is love the key to repair
But reading, fasting, and prayer

For those who are poisoned by sadness and anger
there’s light in the shadows
You just have to be willing to look for it.



Anya Logan

Do we need words to describe ourselves? Can not a soul see the very fruits of our spirit?