Song of Tears

Anya Logan
Mar 14, 2023


Photo by Mayank Dhanawade on Unsplash

A whisper down a cheek
Pain that leaves a salty streak

Hurt that burst from the seams
and manifests itself in small streams

Time seems to dull it but they still surface
Haunted by the past that hurts us

A drop of soul that contaminates your thoughts
Dread and sadness settle on you like rocks

The personal river of a broken heart
That drowns you as your happiness is ripped apart

The salt of every ocean and every ounce of pain
Confined in one drop that falls again and again

But one thing I’ve learned through the loss and the gains

Crying never fixes anything
It just allows the world to see our pain



Anya Logan

Do we need words to describe ourselves? Can not a soul see the very fruits of our spirit?