
Anya Logan
1 min readMay 18, 2023


Photo by Sasha Freemind on Unsplash

In solitude’s embrace, I find my soul,
A symphony of silence, pure and whole.
No echoes of the world, no dissonance near,
Just solitude’s caress, so crystal clear.

Amidst the solitude, I stand alone,
A solitary being, but not forlorn.
For in the depths of isolation’s art,
I uncover treasures hidden in my heart.

The world may rush and pass me by,
But in my solitude, I truly fly.
Unburdened by the weight of others’ gaze,
I dance with shadows in a secret maze.

Within the stillness, whispers come alive,
Unveiling truths that only I derive.
In introspection’s tender, sacred space,
I unravel mysteries and find my own grace.

No need for pretense or a mask to wear,
Alone, I am stripped of all pretentious flair.
I embrace my flaws, my wounds, and scars,
And discover strength within the quiet stars.

For in the vastness of my solitude’s reign,
I forge a bond with depths I can’t explain.
The depths that reside within my core,
Revealing wisdom I’ve been searching for.

So, fear not the solitude that may descend,
Embrace it as a lover, faithful friend.
For in the dance of being truly free,
I find solace in the beauty of just me.



Anya Logan

Do we need words to describe ourselves? Can not a soul see the very fruits of our spirit?