Life’s Mold

Anya Logan
2 min readNov 1, 2023


Photo by Justin Luebke on Unsplash

In the quiet depths where choices reside,
Lies the burden of paths, where one must decide.
A tapestry woven with threads of concern,
Each decision made, a lesson to learn.

Like whispers in the wind, they softly speak,
These choices we make, strong or meek.
Through Labyrinths of the mind, they roam,
Guiding us, as we make a new home.

Sometimes they’re akin to a thorny rose,
Beauty entwined with the pain it bestows.
Decisions, like petals, unfurl with care,
Revealing the truth we’re meant to bear.

A crossroad emerges, a daunting sight,
Each direction a gleaming, tempting light.
The weight of decisions, heavy to bear,
A journey to take, a risk to dare.

Some decisions akin to a tempest’s rage
challenges faced on a life’s boundless stage.
To weather a storm, or change our course,
Each choice we make is a hidden force.

Oh, the symphony of choices made,
In the tapestry of life, each thread displayed.
With courage and hope, we take our stand,
Navigating the maze with a steady hand.

Hard decisions carve our destiny’s mold,
Shaping our story, as they unfold.
Dor in the crucible of choice’s fire,
We discover strength, and what we desire.

So let the choices come, with their weight,
For they sculpt our lives, early or late.
In the crucible of time, decisions true,
Define who we are, in what we do.



Anya Logan

Do we need words to describe ourselves? Can not a soul see the very fruits of our spirit?