Emotional Scars

Anya Logan
1 min readMar 23, 2023


Photo by K. Mitch Hodge on Unsplash

They linger within, unseen and deep,
A wound that never truly goes to sleep.
Memories of pain, etched on the heart,
Leaves a mark that never does depart.

The trauma we endure, the battles we fight,
The scars we bear, a reminder of the night.
A heart that’s shattered, a soul that’s torn,
A life that’s left forever transformed.

Some scars fade, but others remain,
A constant reminder of the pain.
A weight we carry, a burden we bear,
A scar we hide, but always there.

They shape who we are, these emotional scars,
A story of struggle, etched on our hearts.
A testament to the strength we possess,
A reminder that we can survive and progress.

So don’t be ashamed, don’t hide away,
Your scars are a part of you, and that’s okay.
Embrace the hurt, the wounds of the past,
For they make you stronger, they make you last.

The journey to healing, it’s not easy to face,
But with time and effort, we can find our place.
And though the scars may never fully heal,
We can learn to live, love, and feel.

Everyone has scars but you learn from them and move on…
Believe in you



Anya Logan

Do we need words to describe ourselves? Can not a soul see the very fruits of our spirit?